
Goodbye June…Hello July!

We may only be two weeks into summer, but this is the first time in years, that I’ve actually made time to enjoy the season.  I’m sorry it took an injury to wake up…but it is what it is, and my wrists have been feeling good, all things considered.  I’m incredibly grateful for that.

So…what’s Juli been up to?  Glad you ask!  June was all about living in the “now.”  It’s so easy to get caught up in EVERYTHING, work, bills, cars that fall apart, whatever.  But, I’ve been reminded that NOTHING has a guarantee on it, including what you “think” will always be true.

“Now is all you’ve got.  The past is memory.  The future is wish.  Now is real.”

~Tai Sheridan, Buddha In Blue Jeans

It’s too easy to put things off until later, and then later never comes, and all you’re left with is would’ve and could’ve, not my favorite buddies to hang with…plus, they eat all the good chocolate!


No, June wasn’t about wallowing.  June was about living.  June was about focusing on the things I can and want to do.   June was about enjoying a random rainbow.

It was about going places with the family.  It was about enjoying the company and laughter of my extended family and friends, ones that live nearby, and ones that live hundreds of miles away.  (Email and Facebook have been good for my long distant friendships.)  June was about meeting a wonderful, “new to me” sister-in-law, emphasis on the word “sister.”  She’s such a doll!  June was about working on my own writing, as well as enjoying and celebrating the talent of others.  June was about enjoying beauty and nature.

In four weeks time, I feel as though I’ve experienced six months of “normal” Juli living.  I like that!  I like feeling alive.  I want to continue to grow and live this way.  With this in mind, I’m purposefully taking steps to carve out my own creative space.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed of having my own room where I could craft and create…anything in.  But, like most people, it’s stayed on the back burner of…someday.  Well, guess what?  I’m not waiting for “someday” to finally arrive.  How do I even know if I’ll be able to enjoy it “someday?”  I’m young, and I’m already falling apart.  NO.  There is NO more later; there is only now.  I’m not waiting for the day when I move again, or some other life event comes around.  NO.  I took a hard look at what I have, and what I need, and I’m making a space for me, now.

I talked to my hubby about what I wanted and my ideas for grouping everything together.  I wanted to turn one tiny area of our living room into a place to store all my crafting stuff: my sewing machine, my paints, and beads, and papers, and ribbons.  He looked at my plans and the piece of furniture I wanted to buy, and said, “I don’t know.  Is that going to be enough room?  You have a LOT of stuff.  I think you’ll need at least another cabinet and you’ll probably need to take up that whole wall.”  Have I mentioned how amazing he is?  We worked together, and came up with an even better plan, and I am soooo happy and excited.

Yesterday, I put two of the cabinets that I wanted into layaway/price hold, because while I am living in the now, I’m also being practical.  Today, I moved my dressmaker’s dummy and my desk into my “new” creative space.

My desk is now in the alcove of our bay window.  I don’t know if this will be distracting or inspirational.  We will see, but the cat LOVES it!  That’s the important thing.  I’ve got lots of organizing to do before the cabinets get paid off and come home, as I’m a pack rat, but I’m feeling very positive about the situation.  I’m happy.  🙂

Have a great day!!!!


4 thoughts on “Goodbye June…Hello July!”

  1. I love this positive attitude! What a wonderful post. I think we all have a tendency to put off things we want to do and have and see. But we aren’t assured that tomorrow will come, so we need to do some things we want. Good for you! 🙂


    1. Thanks Jo! My view is just boring enough to be perfect. Not a lot of distractions. I have a lovely view of the driveway, (being sarcastic) but I do get to see the parade of stray cats stop by. Who knew we were THE place to be, if you’re feline of course. 😉 My desk isn’t being used as a dumping ground anymore. LOVE that! But the best thing about it, I’ve been spending a LOT more time writing. (YAY!) …and cleaning. I hate the cleaning part, but I need to part with a LOT more old crap, to make room for the bookcases, etc. It’s amazing how much “stuff” we’ve accumulated. And…I kind of want to rip out our old carpeting, before I pay off/bring my bookcases home. I bought many, MANY boxes of peel-n-stick tile, almost a year ago, on sale of course. (We won’t say I’m cheap. I’m thrifty.) 🙂 Anyways, we own the tile, we just have to do the work…which we’ve been putting off. I think they’ll look nice with the bookcases and the furniture we already have in the room. ANYTHING would be better than our nasty old carpeting. I want to get a basket, or bowel, or something for all the paper clutter that filters into the house. (LOVED your, idea.) I probably already own something that would work for this purpose. 🙂


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